Kids + Parents classes: Walthamstow (6+ years old)

from £54.00
Fully booked - Join wait list for the next intake!

⏰ Sunday 19 May, 11 am - 12 pm (For 6 weeks)
📍 Walthamstow YMCA, 642 Forest Rd, London E17 3EF

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This session is for your kid if: they have a minimum age of 6 years. They need to be able to stand up on their skates without having to hold hands.

What: Walthamstow kids classes are focused on having fun while getting confident on skates. Sessions are a mix of skating skills, tricks and dance skating. The class will be split into 2 groups to make sure kids can learn and stay challenged at their own pace.

Parents with skating kids are also welcome to join the sessions. However you need to have a kid in the session to be allowed to participate.

Some extra important info

  • All skaters will need to provide their own quad skates, and skating protection: wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads & a helmet

  • The course ticket is for all 6 dates. Every class will be held at the same time and place.

  • When booking this course you agree with our T&C’s and risk waiver. Please check out the photography consent form for information on marketing usage.